Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ferraby Lionheart

Ferraby Lionheart's new record "The Jack of Hearts" is now out. Ferraby is an amazing singer/songwriter who can craft catchy folk harmonies into classic folk story-telling songs. Take a listen to his new stuff... Then take a listen to his old stuff...

Ferraby's Myspace with three new songs: Harry and the Bess, Yellow Wings, Arkansas

Album Promo No.2 from Ferraby Lionheart on Vimeo.

Tickets to Crickets from his LP "Catch the Brass Ring"

Crack in Time from his EP in 2006.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blind Pilot

Found this video the other day at Blind Pilot is one of my favorite bands and this is why. Really accesible mellow folk instrumental and melodies. Lyrics are not mind blowing which allows for the listener to just drift with the jams.

Blind Pilot - Two Towns From Me from LaundroMatinee on Vimeo.

Blind Pilot Myspace

Monday, March 29, 2010

Treetop Flyers (UK)

Awesome outfit from across the pond. Saw them live with Deer Tick at The Windmill. Melodies are classic Americana structure with four part harmonies and the whole nine yards. Guitar work is amazing, Sam Beer really gets after it. Enjoy...

Treetop Flyers Myspace

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tall Tales and the Silver Lining

Trevor Beld (also of Franklin for Short) leads this cast of Californians. His simple folk guitar structures coupled with mellow melodies really capture what, to someone from the North East, California seems to be all about. Supposedly they came out with a new album this month (3/2010).

Fan created video. The creator has multiple other videos created using the same technique. Check her out... TwoKaleidoscopeEyes Youtube.

Songs from the Window Series

Tall Tales and the Silver Lining Myspace

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Papermoons-Lazy Bones from Jordan Welker on Vimeo.

Papermoon's myspace

Amazing band from Houston, Texas. Perfect marriage of classic indie lyrics with an alt-country sound.